Sunday, July 17, 2011


Finally, I got a job working for Deseret Industries. I started on June 17 (been there a month now) and I'm glad to finally have some steady income coming in. I work 7-3:30 Mon-Thurs and 8-4:30 on Sat. I get rides on Mon and Tues., so it just leaves Ian and my in-laws to take/pick me up Wed., Thurs and Sat. I LOVE staying busy and I LOVE the opportunity that it provides for me to get to know other people. I thought when I started that it was only members of the church that worked there, that you had to be referred from your bishop. I have since learned that there are people who walk in from off the streets and apply, and they come from all walks of life. I work with people who are active, inactive, druggies, homeless, smokers, drinkers, preparing to go on a mission, or the parents that are trying to provide a second income for their kids.

I work in Clothing Production, which means I sort through all the bins of clothing that come through on a daily basis. I'm on my feet for 8 hours, and looking through dirty clothes (seriously, some people don't look through their bags before they give them to us), to gently used clothes, to clothes with tags still on them. We have a criteria of what we can put through (nothing with stains, holes, gang indication, sex indication or drug indication), and it makes me proud to know that we are only putting out the BEST of quality. Even if something is clean but it's faded or is starting to ball (another term for when the cotton is washed so much that little "balls" form on the shirt), we still put it in a bin to be sent to UT. Then it is either sent to food banks to help the homeless or third world countries.

I'm excited to finally have steady income coming in, and to be making as much as Ian. This will help us to put money away (which we haven't started yet) for the move, and to feel more comfortable financially. Yes we went through some rocky times, but I appreciate the love of you (my friends) and my family, to support me through the times of unemployment, and to help to give me the faith to stay strong. I love you all and miss you tons.

Hopefully I'll be able to post pics soon of our staycation that we took in July. We didn't make it to UT since money was tight and I had just started working. The girls are growing up fast and I need to learn to cherish my time with them better. Until next time......