Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sick season

Ian's come down with some kind of flu that's been kicking him all winter. Since he grew up in Southern CA where it doesn't normally get cold, he's been having to adjust to this cold weather. He served a mission in Canada where it snows, but he's been home for 7 years that his body has had to readjust. So, when he wasn't getting any better (and actually worse, we thought), we took him to Urgent Care on Tuesday night. Since he doesn't have any insurance, this was the cheapest way for him to get care. He's had problems with his stomach feeling empty immediately after he's eaten, as if the signal from his stomach isn't connecting to his brain.

We found out it was digestion problems that have to do with too much spicy foods, stress, and too much weight gain. So, we stopped at the drugstore and bought the generic brand of Prilosec OTC. He went to bed Tuesday night and woke up Wednesday morning trying to throw up. After no success but being white as a ghost, he decided to stay home from work. We had dinner Wednesday night (mashed potatoes and pasta), and same result Thursday morning. Friday he woke up and was able to go to work, but was off early (2:30). We're praying that he gets better over the weekend so he can be in full recovery for work next week.


Sarah said...

tell him that we're all praying for him!

Lacey said...

That doesn't sound like digestion problems... and as far as the generic medicine he's taking, that might be making it worse it sounds like. hope he gets better soon.... how are you doing pregnancy wise? Haven't heard from you for a while so I thought I'd ask.

penguin0802 said...

When we went to Urgent Care, that's what the nurse prescribed for him. That's why he bought it. He's been having problems off and on since December, and decided to go in for it. Based on the symptoms and the pain location in his stomach, she said that's what it was. If it doesn't improve over the next week, we'll take him in as his insurance kicks in Feb. 1st.

Pregnancy wise, i'm doing great. I have my first doctors appt on Tuesday, and I'm excited. Then scheduling another ultrasound since the first one didn't get a good measurement of heart and spine.