Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's a girl... and other things we've been up to

We found out yesterday that we are having another girl. We have picked out Savannah Joy, McKenna Lynn, and McKenna Ione. We'll wait until she's born and then see what name fits her. Until then, we'll enjoy knowing what we are having (Hunter didn't want to show us) and be happy that she is healthy.

We'll be preparing for the move soon with saving up money and making sure that we have the funds available to move. We're excited to be back out in CA and luckily not out in the hot weather this time. I'm excited to be closer to Ian's grandparents, aunts and uncles so I can get to know them better.

Ian's still working for Buresh and will be looking for another job soon that he can transfer with to CA. While Buresh makes him enough money for us to pay the bills, there is too much stress and degrading of character for him to stay there until we move. Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers that we may be able to find him something that he enjoys, where they are also located in CA so he automatically has a job when we move, and that it will help to pay the bills. We also pray that he will have the chance to advance in his career and finish the schooling he needs to make his job a career.

I will put pictures and videos up tonight (I promise this time), so look forward to those.


Lacey said...

Why are you guys moving back to CA? And when???

penguin0802 said...

Moving back to CA to be closer to Ian's family. We moved to IA so we could be on our own (couldn't afford the rent on our own out there), and be near my family for a bit. We knew it wouldn't be a permanent move, but didn't know how long we'd be in IA. We'll be moving to Northern CA where Ian will find a new job and near his extended family (grandma and grandpa, aunts and uncles and cousins). We'll also be able to afford living on our own now that we're paying down our debt, and the cost of living is cheaper. We're moving in August...