Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hunter's birthday

Hunter looking pretty for the camera.
Here are some of the presents that she got, and her cupcake cake.
Her cupcake cake courtesy of Safeway bakery. Hunter picked it out herself, and wanted it to say "Happy 3rd Birthday, Princess Hunter". She even picked out the coloring of the floaties and the writing.
Here she is watching us as we sing to her.
Still waiting. Ian didn't get a pic of her blowing the candles out.
Hunter got a snare drum with a strap to go around her neck, a tamborine, harmonica, and one other music thing (that pink thing next to the tamborine).
Here I am showing the people on the couch her new Dora dress.
Here's a spring hoodie that she got from aunt Leslie and uncle Kelly.
Summer top for this summer. It has a chick on it and says "Sweet Chick".
Here's another hoodie, only in orange.
Here's 1 of the 2 pairs of shoes that she got for her birthday.
Sock monkey won everyone over, including her.
Here's some pj's from Aunt Karsten and Uncle David. It says "Dance, Smile, Dream"
Here's another set of pj's. She's going to be 1 styling girl, that's for sure. Everyone asked what she wanted for her b-day, and I said clothes. Boy, did Hunter have a fun time opening all of the clothes.
Lastly, a cookie monster HUGE coloring book with stickers in it. It's pretty tall, and she loves it.

All in all, it was a good birthday, and we even showed up and had a surprise visit from Aunt Patricia and Uncle Steven, who are in town from San Jose area for a week.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dang computer

The computer is having problems loading the pictures. I go to click on browse, to pull up the files with the pictures, to upload them on my blog. When I click on "browse", it does NOTHING. It brings me back to this screen. I don't know if it's a javascript error, or what exactly is going on.

So, until Ian can get a chance to look at it tomorrow morning (Monday), I can't put up any pictures :(. Sorry mom, I'll get them up tomorrow morning, then put up the ones from the zoo tomorrow night. Love you.

Catching Up

I was talking to my mom and dad tonight, to see if she had seen a good money saving/making deal at Target in the ad. She mentioned that I needed to keep my blog updated, I told her I'd try, so here I am updating my blog.

After Christmas, life got busy with me going back to work (had 4 day weekends for Christmas and New Years), and Ian starting "county hosted" job searching classes. I was keeping up with facebook, but neglecting my blog. I'm sorry everyone. I know it was my New Years resolution, to do better with my blog. I promise now that I have fun things to report, that I'll update my blog more often. If not, you can hunt me down for it..... lol.

Mid January, Ian had a job interview for Assistant Manager at Famous Footwear. He was hired on the spot, and started the week after. He was promised 30 hours/week A@ $9/hr, but has only been getting 20-25 hours a week. I can't complain though, since it's still money and still a job for him. Hopefully things will pick up when the manager goes on maternity leave, and people come in to start buying shoes.

K, off to put some more updates up and put more pictures up.