Thursday, March 12, 2009

Health inspection

The health department came out Monday (not Wednesday) and found that we have high levels of carbon dioxide in the apt. Carbon Monoxide is what will kill you which is why you normally have a detector for it... Carbon dioxide will still kill u, just not as fast... We put a coat on Hunter and opened up all the windows and the levels went down. He suggested to leave the windows cracked 1" for every occupant in the room, and deal with it for now. He didn't even suggest getting it fixed or talking to landlord. High levels of carbon dioxide will cause vomiting, headaches, diarhea, etc. which is what Ian and Hunter found. He said by the time u get to a doctor or hospital, u wouldn't be able to trace it as you would've been outside and it would've left your system. I'm glad this visit was free and our questions have been answered...

I had a brief hospital visit Tuesday morning as I was having cold chills Sunday night and Monday night. Having Friday, Monday and then Tuesday off from babysitting, I finally decided to cave in and figure out what was wrong with me. I found out I have a 2nd UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) and so I'm on medicine to cure that. I will then be on medicine every day until I have the baby to make sure it doesn't come back again...

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