Monday, March 30, 2009

Moving update again

We will be moving in May instead of July, so now comes the stress. Our landlord called me Tuesday morning while on spring break, and informed us that there were people that wanted to rent OUR apt on May 1st. If we wanted out of our lease early without paying a penalty, this was our only chance. We needed to give him a decision by Friday, so we had 3 days to decide if this was plausible.... After telling Ian and us discussing it while doing laundry that night, we decided to go for it. We called up family and asked for their opinions, and they just wanted to make sure we would be safe and were doing what was best for "our" family. So, on May 1st we'll be driving straight thru to Southern CA with a quick stop in UT to drop off a friend. She'll help with gas and driving, and I just need to make sure I have my paperwork on me from doctor's office just in case... Plus, this will help me to get in to doctor sooner rather than later before I deliver. I'll be 35 1/2 weeks when we move, and I had Hunter at 37 weeks. My doctor wants to make sure there are no complications on the road. This will require me getting up and actually walking around every 4 hours, but that will be about when we fill up with gas too, so I'll use it as an excuse to go to the bathroom and change Hunter.

I pray that our car will make it to UT and CA in safety with no problems in the middle, and that McKenna will be delivered in a safe environment and hopefully with our old doctor and hospital. We'll see. Keep looking for more updates....

1 comment:

Lacey said...

Wow! I can't believe you're moving so soon. When I was pregnant, I was told to get up and walk around every hour.... that made for fun trips. Just make sure you're stretching your legs, switching positions, etc. when you're doing your 4 hours of driving. I'm glad you know that this is right for you. We haven't talked in a while.... call me.