Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pics I promised

Ian was playing with his balloon and took a pic of the Spiderman hat he made. He looks so serious.....
I'm holding McKenna and Ian has Hunter. My mom made the dress, as it was mine, then Hunter wore it, now McKenna.

Here's the pics from McKenna's blessing. I'm sorry it took so long to post these. Left to right: Ian's dad, Ian, McKenna, friend Scott, bro-in-law Scott and friend Paul. These were the guys that were in the circle not including the bishopric.

On a happier note, I found out that a Sears nearby is hiring, and I tried to fill out an app. It told me that since I worked there less than 90 days ago, to contact HR to set up an interview. I got home and called and got it set up. I'm having the paperwork faxed over today and hopefully when I call on Friday, they have something for me. We could both use this good news, and the money.

Thanks for all your support from the previous post. I'm glad that I have so many viewers of my blog, and I'm happy to report that things shoud get better from here on.

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