Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Heading to hospital

We are headed to the hospital in an hour. I have been having contractions for the past 2 days, but after being examined, i'm only 1 cm dilated and 20% efaced. That was yesterday (Monday). Today we walked the mall to check on job opportunities for Ian, and ever since after dinner I've been having 1-3 minutes apart and they've been getting more intense as time goes on. The bags are packed, his parents have Hunter's car seat, and we're headed soon to get examined. Stay posted.


ergillmore said...

I just wanted to post that McKenna was born Wednesday morning. She weighed 6lb 8oz. Jenn will post more when she can.

Grandma Beth

Lacey said...

I'm so glad for you that it's over! Congratulations on your brand new little baby! Also, thanks for the text last night.... hope she's doing better today! Is she still in the NICU?