Sunday, May 3, 2009

We've arrived

We are in CA (got in Saturday night just in time for dinner). It was a nice trip and I'm grateful to Ian's aunt and uncle for helping us into the house at 2:30 Saturday morning. Then getting up 5 hours later to make breakfast, and even taking care of me when Braxton Hicks got out of control. I even got to take a bath in a spa tub which was nice. Thanks Polly.

This week will be filled with getting food stamps switched over and WIC checks set up for CA. Then getting in for a check up at the hospital since a dr won't touch me with a 10 ft pole. Ian also needs to be looking around and hopefully get some interviews for this week. It will be good to have Ian home during the day.

I'll post more later when I have an update on how McKenna is doing. So far still pregnant and I'll be 36 weeks on Tuesday.


Sarah said...

we're so glad that you arrived safely. Give me a call when you know when the truck will be in and I will let Paul know. oh, but I will most likely not be able to talk until around 4-ish because of meetings at work. If I don't answer, leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Lacey said...

Glad you made it safe! I'll call you later today if that's cool. Sounds like you guys are super busy.