Thursday, May 7, 2009

She's here

McKenna Joy Fitzgerald came into the world Wednesday, May 6th at 10:41 am. She weighed in at 6 lbs, 7 oz and 19 1/4" long. She has lots of hair that is dark, but at least she has hair. She is currently in NICU for some fluctuation in her heart rate. We are praying for her to recover fast enough for her to come home soon.

Now for an update on her. I have called the NICU nurse and McKenna was sleeping (imagine that at 11 at night, duh!!). The nurse said that since i've been home today she has finally decided to drink some formula and her breathing has normalled out. This means that she's able to be swaddled since they're not focused on looking at her chest anymore when she breathes. If she continues to eat 30ml or more and keep it down, she will be off the IV. This means there is a possibility that she will be released this weekend or Monday at the latest.

Prayers would be much appreciated. Thanks... Oh, and stay tuned for more updates and I will also post pictures of her.


Sarah said...

it sounds like she is a little fighter there...good luck with everything! Remember, you can call me whenever you need too!

Lacey said...

I'm so glad you guys are doing great! Sounds like she's a strong little girl. Keep up the updates!